Terra Incognita - Explore the world!

Terra Incognita is a GPS route tracker and trip viewer, that allows you to record your route and view your GPX files. It can visualize them uniquely, where each step reveals more of the map. When you’re a gamer, the concept might remind you of the “fog of war” from strategy games.

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Record location tracks


Import and export tracks

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Record location tracks

Terra Incognita records your routes and can visualize them in an unique way. With each step reveals another part of the map.

feature image


The displayed data is divided into three categories:

  • Unrevealed areas, that you’ve never visited
  • Revealed areas, records older than one day
  • Active areas, explored today and your current location

The colors and opacity can be adjusted in the settings.

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Import and export tracks

Terra Incognita can import and export GPX files from or to other applications.

Watch the teaser video


Terra Incognita available in the Google Play Store for Android and will released for iPhones soon.